Welcome spring

Spring.  A time of renewal.  New growth, new beginnings, and new possibilities. 

The last couple of months have brought a lot of change in my life.  We cannot be at home currently due to renovations, so I am with my partner in New South Wales while he has work down here.  It means that I needed some time off work, which ultimately resulted in being let go.  While it was a bit of a shock at the time, it has opened up the possibility of something new.  That job was great while I was studying, but since my graduation I had become bored and no longer enjoyed it, and the closing of that door creates space for another door to open. A change in season is the best time for that!  So, you won’t find me at Vive any more, and while I don’t know what the next opportunity is just yet, I am still seeing patients in my clinic (online for now until I get back to Brisbane) and will continue to do so as this is my passion.

Spring is a good time to set new goals and revisit goals that were set earlier in the year.  Having clear and specific goals is important for achieving what you want to achieve.  Whether they be personal, business, health, or financial goals, having them clearly and concisely written down is the first step in achieving those goals.  Break down big goals into smaller stepping stones. 

I follow the SMART goal formula:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Relevant

  • Timely

I still find goal setting really challenging though; what is it that I do want to achieve??  Why is that question so hard to answer!  Once I sat down and put my mind to it I did manage to come up with four goals for the month of September.  I plan to look at these every morning while I have my coffee to keep me focussed on achieving them.

The change in season reminds us that everything is temporary; that even after the darkest winter comes the light of spring.  Make the most of the good, be grateful for it while it lasts, and be comforted by the fact that the bad won’t last either.

Here is a 5 minute meditation for you to try…

This meditation visualises green, the colour of growth, rebirth, and new ideas.  It is the colour of spring, and relaxes the body, it is calming yet invigorating. 

Set a 5 minute timer or choose a 5 minute piece of meditation music from a meditation app such as Insight Timer.

Find a quiet spot to sit where you can be comfortable.  Close your eyes and quieten your breath and your mind.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, into your abdomen, feel your belly rise, take a pause for a second and hold, then release.

Take another deep breath in, let the breath find tension in your body, and when you release your breath release the tension also.  Relax your jaw, relax your shoulders away from your ears, relax your face, relax your eyes.

On your next breath in, imagine a ball of green energy in your chest.  Take a pause and then exhale keeping your mind on the green energy in your chest.

On each inhale imagine the green energy in your body becoming brighter, more vibrant.

Continue to focus on your breath and the green filling your chest space, calming and invigorating, bringing a sense of renewal and growth.

At the end of the 5 minutes, take a final deep breath in while raising your arms out to your sides and above your head to meet your hands in prayer.  Bring them down slowly and pause at your third eye between your eyebrows.  Honour thoughts of renewal and growth.  Bring your hands to your lips, pause, and honour words spoken that attract renewal and growth.  Finally bring them to your chest, pause, and honour feelings of renewal and growth.

Take a moment to sit in quiet reflection to feel and listen to your body.  Notice any thoughts that may have come to you or any feelings that may be present.

I welcome this new season and give thanks for the opportunity for growth.


Anna xx


Bone health and diet


Single serve chocolate cake